Dana Saulnier
Recent Work
Work on Paper
Archive 2010-19
Works on Paper
Archive 2000-09
Works on Paper
Archive 1990-99
Gallery Affiliation
Selected Press
Interview with Alan Pocaro
Selected Exhibition Catalogs
Paintings 2010-19
Untitled 619, 2019, oil on canvas, 32.5 x 40″,
Untitled 219, 57.5 x 46″, oil on canvas.
Untitled 319, 2019, oil on canvas, 32 x 40″.
“Untitled 119″, 2019, oil on canvas, 80 x 64”.
Late November, 2019, 75 x 100″, oil on linen.
“Untitled 218, 53.5 x 45.75”, oil on canvas, .
Plexus, 2018, 88 x 77″, oil on linen.
“Untitled (418)”, 2018, oil on canvas, 50.75 x 38″.
Untitled 519, 2019, oil on canvas, 47 x 41″.
Plexus Two, 2019, 72 x 63″ oil on linen.
Untitled (916) 2016, 47.5 x 38″, oil on canvas.
Untitled (1016), 2016, 40 x 46″, oil on canvas.
Untitled (616), oil on canvas, 32.5 x 40.5″.
Untitled (516), oil on canvas, 32.5 x 40.5″.
Untitled (116), 2016, oil on canvas, 52 x 75″.
‘Untitled (815)’, 2015, oil on canvas, 26 x 39″.
Companion, 2017, 2017, oil on linen, 54 x 72″.
‘Surrender’, 2016, oil on linen, 78 x 104″.
Untitled 417, 32.5 x 40.5″, oil on canvas. Private collection.
Signal, 2017, 75 x 100″, oil on linen.
Untitled (517), 2017, 47 x 41″, oil on canvas.
Untitled 317, 2017, 40.5 x 47.5″, oil on canvas.
Study for ‘Trap’, 2014, oil on linen, 34.5 x 30.5″.
Silent Reading, 2015, 74 x 92.5″, oil on linen.
‘Untitled study’, 2014, oil on linen, 31.5 x 36″.
Untitled 1114, 32.5 x 40.5″, oil on canvas. Private collection.
‘Trap’, 84 x 73.5″, oil on linen. Private collection.
Untitled Study (1014), 2014, oil on canvas, 42 x 56″.
Untitled (614), 2014, oil on canvas, 32 x 42″.
Catch, 2014, 64 x 67″, oil on canvas.
Study for ‘Catch’ (1113-2), 2013, oil on canvas, 32.25 x 34”.
Into the Thick, 2014, 78 x 104″, oil on canvas,
Study for Stack Series, (414), 2014, oil on canvas, 32.25 x 37.5”.
Untitled (1113), 2013, oil on canvas, 32.5 x 40.5″.
Untitled (812), 2012, oil on canvas, 32.25 x 37″.
Picnic, 2013, 72 x 63″, oil on canvas. Private collection.
Stack Series One, 2013, oil on canvas, 70 x 56″.
Untitled (713), 2013, oil on canvas, 52 x 65”.
Stack Series Twp, 2013, oil on canvas, 70 x 87.5″.
Untitled Study, 2012, oil on canvas, 31.5 x 36″.
Untitled (912), 2012, oil on canvas, 56 x 70”.
Untitled Study 112, 37 x 32.5″, oil on canvas.
Untitled, (312), 2012, oil on canvas , 72 x 63″.
Study for A Month’s Mind, 2012, 32.5 x 38.25″, oil on canvas.
A Month’s Mind, 2012, 76 x 90”, oil on canvas, Private collection.
Untitled Study 1011, 36 x 29″, oil on canvas, private collection.
Untitled, (112), 2012, oil on canvas, 72 x 63″.
Study for Night One, 2010, 30.5 x 41″, oil on canvas.
Study for Night Two, 2011, 32.5 x 40.75″, oil on canvas.
Night Two, 2011, 56 x 70.25”, oil on canvas.
Night One, 2011, 63 x 84″, oil on canvas.
Night Three, 2011, 77 x 88”, oil on canvas.
Night Tide, 2011, 70 x 87.5”, oil on canvas.
Study – Still Night Falling, 33.25 x 38″, oil on canvas.
“Still Night Falling”, 2010, Oil on canvas, 77 x 88″.
Study, M. in Flight, 2010, 37.5 x 30″, oil on canvas.
M. in Flight, 2011, 88 x 77”, oil on canvas.
Untitled Study (1209), 2009, oil on canvas. 31.25 x 35.5″.
Untitled (210),2010, oil on canvas, 70 x 80”.